序号 | 类型与说明 |
1 | push @ARRAY,LIST将列表 的值推到数组的末尾。 |
2 | pop @ARRAY弹出 并返回数组的最后一个值。 |
3 | shift @ARRAY 将数组的第一个值移开并返回,将数组缩短1并向下移动所有内容。 |
4 | 取消移位@ ARRAY,LIST将列表 添加到数组的前面,并返回新数组中的元素数。 |
#!/usr/bin/perl # create a simple array @coins = ("Quarter","Dime","Nickel"); print "1. \@coins = @coins\n"; # add one element at the end of the array push(@coins, "Penny"); print "2. \@coins = @coins\n"; # add one element at the beginning of the array unshift(@coins, "Dollar"); print "3. \@coins = @coins\n"; # remove one element from the last of the array. pop(@coins); print "4. \@coins = @coins\n"; # remove one element from the beginning of the array. shift(@coins); print "5. \@coins = @coins\n";
1. @coins = Quarter Dime Nickel 2. @coins = Quarter Dime Nickel Penny 3. @coins = Dollar Quarter Dime Nickel Penny 4. @coins = Dollar Quarter Dime Nickel 5. @coins = Quarter Dime Nickel