如果您放置“?” 在贪婪的量词之后,它变成了勉强的或非贪婪的量词。以下是勉强的量词列表-
量词 | 描述 |
回覆*? | 匹配零个或多个事件。 |
回覆?? | 匹配零个或1匹配项。 |
重新+? | 匹配一个或多个事件。 |
重新{n}? | 精确匹配n次出现。 |
re {n,}? | 至少匹配n个事件。 |
re {n,m}? | 至少匹配n个事件,最多匹配m个事件。 |
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter input text: "); String input = sc.nextLine(); String regex = "[0-9]+?"; //创建一个模式对象 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); //匹配字符串中的已编译模式 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); while (matcher.find()) { System.out.print("Pattern found from " + matcher.start()+ " to " + (matcher.end()-1)+"::"); System.out.print(matcher.group()); System.out.println(); } } }
Enter input text: 12345678 Pattern found from 0 to 0::1 Pattern found from 1 to 1::2 Pattern found from 2 to 2::3 Pattern found from 3 to 3::4 Pattern found from 4 to 4::5 Pattern found from 5 to 5::6 Pattern found from 6 to 6::7 Pattern found from 7 to 7::8