PL / SQL代表“ SQL的过程语言扩展”。它是编程语言提供的SQL和过程功能的混合。它是由Oracle Corporation在1980年代后期开发的,它是SQL和Oracle关系数据库的过程扩展语言。
PL / SQL程序由可以嵌套的块组成,并且块结构如下所示:
DECLARE -- it contains declaration statements BEGIN -- It contains executable statements EXCEPTIONS -- It contains exception handling statements END;
在PL / SQL中,单行注释以双连字符(-)开头,多行注释以斜杠-星号(/ *)开头,并以星号-斜杠(* /)结尾
--Declaration Block DECLARE -- Declaration of string for nhooo St VARCHAR2(100) := 'nhooo'; -- length(len) of string and number(numb) for rows len VARCHAR2(100); numb NUMBER(15); -- Execution part starts from here BEGIN --calculating length of string numb:=LENGTH(St); -- strting of while from num to till num>1 WHILE numb>=1 LOOP len:=SUBSTR(St,1,numb); numb:=numb-1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(len); END LOOP; -- end of begining block END; -- End program
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